Monday, February 22, 2010

Leaders Are Heard - Usually

Having owned and operated a digital recording studio for over 12 years I understand why some leaders are heard and others are not.

Anyone who's been to a number of conferences has seen the old microphone swap when the speaker starts mouthing words inaudibly.

Leaders who use online Webinars as training tools or education platforms for business need to know that they are understood from the perspective of the listener.

During a recent 'Leadership Branding' Webinar with Mark Hoverson I realized most people either rely on the build in condenser microphone in their laptop or purchase a cheap microphone that plugs into their computer.

USB Audio Interface

If you're serious about your online marketing business you might want to check out this video by David Beairsto of NetworkFisher so that you won't have any problems hearing or being heard again.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Work At Home Business Opportunity

Who Needs A Work At Home Business Opportunity?
Long before jumping into the true world of an entrepreneur, I would research telecommuting jobs. The concept of doing your work at home originated more with employers who either didn’t have the office space, or didn’t need particular employees in the office everyday. The rising cost of gasoline in areas that didn’t offer public transportation services, increased the willingness of companies to consider the concept of telecommuting.

The advancements in telecommunications services that had previously enabled companies with offices in diverse locations to work together, now made it possible for people to log in from home. Having a few key pieces of office equipment made working at home virtually the same as having an office downtown. A telephone appointment from the fifth floor of an office building was no different from an appointment conducted in the home.


If the goal is simply to work at home, a telecommuting job might sound appealing. It certainly lowers the expense of traveling to work each day. Many people are satisfied with this arrangement and lead very productive lives.

People who telecommute have an advantage over those who must travel to work when it comes to starting a home business. They can taste the freedom of working in a comfortable environment. They also have more time to expend starting and running a home business.

Like everyone else, telecommuters have little control over the amount of their paycheck. As employees of someone else, they are still subject to cutbacks, layoffs and failed businesses. The advantage of a virtual office won’t make a difference if they can lose their job.

Home Office On The Go

I spend a great deal of time on conference calls and phone appointments. My virtual office is now mobile. If my laptop is with me I have most of my home office in a case. Since most of my business is internet dependent, I can attend webinars, work on projects and campaigns from anywhere cellular service is available.

That isn’t to say that these options aren’t available to telecommuters, but by and large the costs of working this way will be at their expense rather than the employers. I’ve heard of companies that offer small compensations to cover some of their employee’s home office expenses, but others offer nothing.

Using time management principles, I’ve structured my schedule to meet both my business and family needs. This is my schedule. If I have to answer to an employer, their schedule becomes my schedule. Changing my schedule is always easier than changing someone else’s.

Nothing Beats Being in Business

The work at home opportunity isn’t the same as the work at home business opportunity. While both offer the comfort and convenience of working from home, one is designed to profit a company, the other is designed to produce personal, financial independence. One uses the principle of exchanging time for money, while the other leverages time to produce profit.

If everyone were guaranteed that their particular job would afford them the lifestyle of their choosing, ensure continuous employment with retirement security, there would be no incentive for the entrepreneur.

I can remember when it was time to select a career, during the training and the immediate employment phase, it seemed like nothing would ever change.

We hadn’t seen a personal computer yet, and VCR’s were very expensive to buy. Digitizing analog signals was cutting edge technology.

Everyone Needs This

Including people who own traditional businesses, everyone needs a work at home business opportunity. Not everyone will be successful, but anyone can succeed.

Looking at this as an essential for everyone, while recognizing that everyone won’t be successful sounds like a contradiction. Considering that everyone needs income to survive, it is also understandable that a percentage of people will lose at least one job during their lifetime. It is also reasonable to conclude that private business owners are also subject to failure.

The difference in the work at home business opportunity is that you are neither subject to losing your business or your job. The only reason people don’t succeed is because they quit. Gaining ground daily, true entrepreneurs are reshaping the business world because quitting isn’t an option.

Choosing A Lifestyle

Achieving success, like the objective lifestyle goal, is a personal matter. Some people would simply like to live comfortably. Others have a passion for travel or exotic vacations. For certain people profits between five and ten thousand per month are sufficient, while others work to achieve the same amount every day.

Not every work at home business opportunity offers the same potential for unlimited earning potential. Always seek an opportunity that builds wealth through residual income because when we decide to stop working, inflation won’t.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Direct Marketing Products With Value

Not All Direct Marketing Products Are Equal

The internet has clearly delivered a marketing opportunity never before realized by businesses both large and small. The ability to advertise, inform and interact with the target market makes the internet second to none. Live TV marketing programs share some of this capability, but the internet is always on, and always has what the consumer wants to find. Network marketers including those associated with MLM companies are enjoying growth like never before. Entrepreneurs have a wide range of choices in the goods and services they can share online. A few of them have selected direct marketing products with value and focus their attention exclusively on the top tier of available choices.

The salesman in the desert selling water has a distinct advantage over the multitude of used sand lot owners. With a product that is clearly in demand, we would expect water inventory to remain consistently low. Yet because of the landscape it is sometimes difficult to see the water company behind the sand dunes.

More Variety and More To Think About

Every time a new product or service is launched these days, an internet marketing campaign is included. Then it seems like another three or four companies spring up online the next day offering practically the same thing. The abundance of choices also brings an abundance of information. People who search online for anything expect a great deal of information and a multitude of choices. Entrepreneurs, who must decide which product to get behind from a business perspective, also approach the situation like a consumer.

We’ve all made purchases online that either met, or failed to meet our expectations. For the entrepreneur who is choosing to market a particular item, they need to know everything up front before making a decision. In a highly competitive market, selection for the prospective business owner is similar to that of a consumer. Buying into a business opportunity, however, involves a much deeper relationship.

Knowing The Market We Serve

Direct marketing products with value always serve the best interest of everyone. When true, measurable value exists in the product, it benefits everyone it affects. Any product or service of value, finds expression in various places. Exceptional services and remarkable products are always sought after. In order for companies to compete, they must rise to the same standard.

So the entrepreneur asks these important questions:

1. Is it valuable for personal as well as business purposes?
2. Does it ever lose or gain value?
3. What is the consumer reaction?

There are direct marketing products that serve both the individual and business owner alike. Any product or service that affects its user on a financial level would fall into this category. A household budget shares the same goal as a business budget. People desire to prosper and businesses must.

Our Money and Our Minds

Educational material also serves both the consumer and business owner. When a direct marketing professional has an educational system for sale, chances are they’ve already reaped the benefits it delivers. As the overall knowledge of man continues to escalate at unprecedented speed, the demand for specialized knowledge grows in all markets. The ability to deliver valuable information is a rewarding experience for everyone.

Looking specifically at financial and educational material, it is reasonable to suspect that time can have an effect on the value of that information. As the knowledge base increases, some or all of that information may be subject to change. This is especially true for specialized educational products. Tax laws seem to change every year, and investment advice has to remain constant. Knowledge on how to repair a VCR may be ancient, but technical training for disk players, or TV’s for that matter, changes constantly.

Super Extended Warranty

If the product we purchase can’t be upgraded or enhanced, it is like any other product that begins to depreciate. Having a lifetime warranty on an electronic device would definitely affect our decision to purchase. Likewise an educational product, or financial service that absorbs changes without adding expense to the user, satisfies the demand for true and lasting value.

Finally we have to know if it works. Catchy slogans and entertaining advertisements aside, people need to hear from other people what they can expect. All the scientific evidence in the world isn’t going to convince me to buy some wonder tonic if my neighbor is telling me it gave him gas.

Try It! You’ll Like It!

People trust people that aren’t trying to sell them something. The individual giving the testimony doesn’t gain a thing by convincing someone else to buy. TV has lost most of its credibility when it comes to parading ‘supposed’ consumers around with glowing, well scripted, endorsements; especially when the viewer can Google the product and read a dozen negative reviews in an instant.

Direct marketing products with value always have the endorsement of the marketing professional. Although this can seem like a car salesman claiming they own the same car, the value in the product can be measured apart for that endorsement. Even the addition of other consumers and business owners giving their reviews, only enhances the perceived value based on measurable criteria; namely, how it helps and why.

The internet market will continue to absorb any and every imaginable product people conceive. Rising to the top, the few truly valuable items will serve both the public lucky enough to find them, and the marketer clever enough to deliver them.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Should I Start To Work At Home Part Time?

There is a definite advantage to being a business owner. The potential for profit and control of one’s life is far easier if you aren’t bound by the restrictions of an employer. Attempting to hold a regular job, while trying to work at home part time, has become a popular option for entrepreneurs.

The time it takes from start up to showing a profit, for a traditional brick and mortar business or franchise is approximately three to five years. In some instances this time might be shortened, but in most cases it requires at least one person working long hours to reach the three year turn around point.

Business experts continue to assert that only 1/3 of small business start ups survive the first two years. That means, on average, 2/3 of the small business owners fail a year before they would start to see a profit.

Growing up I remember weekends were a time to latch onto any number of contractors who were doing side work. They worked between Monday and Friday for an employer, leaving the weekend to strike out on their own. This was when it became obvious to me that everyone knew owning a business paid far better than working for an employer.

Some of my friends in construction finally committed themselves to operating their businesses full time. They recognized that doing business only one or two days a week would never allow them to reach their goals. By admission, they credited that side business, that extra money, with enabling them to buy the equipment necessary to compete with other full time contractors.

It’s worth stating that in matters of business investment, the greater the outlay of capital for start up, the longer it will take to see a return on investment. For entrepreneurs that start a business and work at home part time, the burden of excessive debt never becomes an issue. Most home businesses allow for both the entrepreneur who has little capital and plenty of time, as well as those with no time and plenty of capital.

I’ve seen cases where someone starts a part time business from home which suddenly takes off, requiring full time attention. Perhaps the most popular story is that of the work at home mom who simply wanted to generate some extra income. With a culture that is consistently making middle class an unaffordable reality, work at home moms are becoming quite popular. What makes this so exciting is that stay at home moms can unknowingly attach themselves to business opportunities that eventually deliver financial freedom.

Choosing to work at home part time depends both on the type of business and the cost of operation. Before we can fully appreciate the return on investment, we must know the operating expenses, and time requirements. Just as some home businesses demand a great deal of advertising costs, others require more than a few hours of maintenance per day. We need to know how our prospective business defines part time.

We should keep realistic expectations regarding the amount of time we must dedicate to our home business. The traditional business that starts up without any debt, and has several family members to dedicate their time to operation should begin to see profits very quickly. Alternatively, allowing for the time it takes to educate ourselves, and set up a business, the profits from a part time venture will be considerably slower.

An entrepreneur’s level of desire will ultimately determine how successful they’ll be in balancing the development of a part time business venture, with a full time job. When we burn our bridges behind us, or fully commit to running a business full time, we fuel the desire and our focus is singular. If we cross the bridge between our home and job twice a day it isn’t easily forgotten. Adjusting our mindset will be essential to fueling the burning desire we’ll need to remain consistent.

Certainly the person who hates their job, or their commute, or both, won’t have a difficult time adjusting their mindset. Emotion is also an essential ingredient to developing that burning desire to transfer a work at home part time business into a huge success. With the use of imagination, we can burn the bridges behind us, and see ourselves as accomplished entrepreneurs, even if the bridges are still there.

Investigate the potential of the business opportunity, measure yourself against the specific requirements and seek advice from qualified professionals. Real people are succeeding every day regardless of how they began, but they never do it alone.

Work At Home

Without any doubt the most rewarding chapter in my life began when I started to work at home. As an online business owner who quickly discovered the importance of a well rounded marketing education, I aligned myself with a community of entrepreneurs that have been instrumental in my success. Their selfless attitude and personal dedication inspire me daily to help others to become prosperous in every sense of the word.

Every day invites the excitement and enthusiasm of making a difference in peoples lives. Giving them an opportunity to achieve financial freedom and build the lifestyle of their dreams, is more rewarding than my own personal gain. I truly am more blessed because of my decision to give more.

Thanks to all of my mentors, coaches and colleagues for their love and dedication.

David Beairsto
Marketing Consultant